Architecture & AI
Stable Diffusion in Rhino + Grasshopper
December 21, 2022
Intro / Tutorial (3 hours)
14:00 - 17:00 EST New York
December 28, 2022
Office Hours (optional)
January 7, 2023
Final Presentation
Invited Review panel (TBA)
Online (Zoom)
Beginner / Intermediate
Serjoscha During
PhD Candidate
City Intelligence Lab
Ebrar Eke
M.Arch Studio Greg Lynn
Stable Diffusion with Grasshopper
Workshop Overview
In this Workshop we will explore and develop work-flows for integrated use-cases of Stable-Diffusion Models with the 3D Software Rhino/Grasshopper.
We will start with a brief introduction to Stable Diffusion Models and the latest Landscape of Tools, Interfaces and Features developing around it, as well as Prompting and Image tweaking Strategies.
For the first time we will show-case our Stable-Diffusion - Grasshopper Interface and develop custom work-flows to make the most out of SD in a 3D Environment.
Finally, The participants will develop their own Design/Project or Workflow ideas, which will be presented two weeks later.
Meet the Instructors
Rhino, Grasshopper
Python, Deep Learning Basics
Session I - December 21st (3h)
14:00 - 17:00 New York
20:00 - 23:00 Vienna
Welcome & Introduction Round (15 min)
Input: Stable Diffusion Models - Their short history & recent developments (25 min)
Input: Existing Tools and Interfaces to use Stable Diffusion Models (5 min)
Hands-On: Generating Images (15 min)
Input: Prompting Strategies & Model Features Explained (15 min)
Break, downloading grasshopper files, create accounts (10 min)
Stable Diffusion in Rhino/Grasshopper
Input: Concept, the Role of Interfaces and Technical Implementation (5 min)
Hands-On: Setting Everything Up (30min)
Hands-On: Strategies for using Stable Diffusion in 3D
Environments (60 min)
break (5 min)
input: Exemplary Project Ideas & Project Brief (10 min)
Group Work: Brainstorming on Miro (open end)
Session II - December 28th (15min)
Optional feed-back and consulting round, 15 min. per group.
Session III - January 7th (60-90 min)
Final Presentation with external Review Panel (TBA).
Each group or individual will present a project idea, workflow & resultant images in 3 - 5 min. presentations.
Application Fee: $65 USD